BB2ME #29 – How to execute the perfect trip to Dublin

Kim at the Guinness storehouse in Dublin
24 Dec

The Irish bartender handed me two perfectly poured pints of Guinness. I walked over to Kim and handed her one. It was November of last year. We were in Dublin, drinking fresh Guinness at the Storehouse gravity bar. A perfect way to end our first day there. I was quite smitten. She was too.

The view at sunset from the Guinness Storehouse Gravity Bar.

Does Dublin get any better than this?

“Not sure if Dublin gets much better than this,” I wondered.

“Why do you say that,” Kim asked.

“I am drinking my favorite beer of all-time with the women I love at the Guinness storehouse, overlooking Dublin as the sun sets in the distance,” I explained. “The only thing we are missing is a great U2 song right now. Wouldn’t that be something if they showed up here.”

One of the best songs off their last album.

God must love me

Just then the song ‘You’re the best thing about me’ by U2 started to play on the bar sound system. We both chuckled. “Lord, you can take me out of this world. I have reached the mountaintop”, I said to myself. “But, not until after this trip.” Kim wondered what thoughts were rolling through my mind as I sipped the first delicious taste of Albert Guinness’s magical brew. Slainte!

Kim and I at the Guinness Storehouse Gravity bar.

Dublin was on my bucket list for years

I wanted to visit Dublin for decades. Not sure why – but I never went there despite several trips to Europe. I toured many European capitals over the years, but never Dublin. In 2018 I decided to get there. After all, everyone I know that went to Dublin talked about how fun it was. I needed to find out for myself, so I hatched a clever plan. I was going to check off two bucket list items at the same time. See my favorite band, U2, live in Dublin. An epic adventure for the ages.

Why I wrote this billboard

I wrote this billboard as a reminder that it is not easy to check items off of your bucket list. It takes time, energy, effort, planning, patience, and perseverance. I did not wake up one day and say to myself – I am going to see U2 live in Dublin. No – it took a lot of work but boy was it worth it. Kim and I experienced the best that Dublin offers visitors, and then some.

Kim and I by Dublin Castle.

Advanced planning was critical to success

I bought the U2 concert tickets months in advance before they sold out. I earned air mile points using a special credit card so that the flights over were not too expensive. As usual, I completed a fair amount of research via Rick Steve’s books, his videos, and other Youtube content. We like renting an apartment whenever we spend multiple days in the same city. I found an excellent flat located near Temple Bar. It was centrally located to see the various sites around Dublin. Thank God it was close to the pubs.

Rick Steve’s video about Dublin, the Irish capital.

We saw many sites in Dublin

Kim and I spent several days in Dublin. Dublin is not a large city, but it contains some world-class attractions. We saw many sites while there to include Dublin Castle, Christ Church Cathedral, and Trinity College. We strolled down O’Connell Street taking in all the historical sites and wandered around Grafton Street, the shopping district. The book of Kells in Old Trinity Library was amazing. Going to the U2 concert took a fair amount of time, so we were not able to see everything the city has to offer on this trip.

The old Trinity Library.

We sipped Irish whiskey in Dublin

The Irish are famous for their whiskey. Jameson is located in Dublin. They teach tourists about how the whiskey is made and provide plenty of samples. Kim and I went there and had a ton of fun. We completed the educational tour and spent a few hours at the bar afterward sipping Irish whiskey. I am a big fan now and have a little Jameson every now and then. It is good for whatever ails you. Slainte!

Kim and I at the Jameson factory in Dublin.

We visited the various pubs in Dublin

Dublin is even more famous for its pubs. There are a lot of them. You can always find a pint of Guinness there. Many offer live music and cheap meals. Kim and I visited several. Our favorite three pubs were the Brazen Head (oldest pub in Dublin), Oliver St. John in Gogarty’s (late night pub with live music in the Temple Bar), and Porterhouse (micro-brewery). It goes without saying that the Guinness Storehouse Gravity bar was awesome.

Kim and I at the Brazen Head – funky decorations.

How I incorporated this billboard into my life

Our trip to Dublin was an adventure. It went really well. We had fun and created lifelong memories. I have not even talked about the U2 concert yet. It was the best. I will write about it in the next blog post. After the trip, I decided to try and check something off my bucket list every year. It will take some planning, but the experience is well worth the effort.

Kim and I by the Half-Penny bridge on the Liffey.

What about you?

Are you formulating plans to make your dreams happen? If not, it is time to start thinking about your bucket list. I am here to help you. If so, let me know how it goes. I hope you have the perfect experience. It may take time to get there, but it is worth the investment.

It takes planning to go from good to great. Patience to go from great to better. Perseverance to go from better to best.


2 thoughts on “BB2ME #29 – How to execute the perfect trip to Dublin

  1. Your story to guiness storehouse 360 lounge experience reminds me of my adventure about 7 years ago. I did not see U2 at concert in dublin though. On our last night there while drinking our pints of Guiness at closing time and we were told to hurry up and leave as they were closing early for special group. I turned to my husband and said “wouldn’t that be funny if it was for U2 “. As we were leaving 360 lounge guess who were in alley for photo shoot. I got a picture with Bono and The Edge that evening and my vacation and bucket list were complete. Planning my next trip to Dublin in May. So excited. Thanks for the sharing.

    1. Thanks for the comment. What a great story. It is awesome that you met them. Have fun in Dublin this Spring. I hope to get back there soon. Such a fun city.

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