BB2ME #6 – Slow down when you see a red flag

28 Apr

I hung up the phone after talking with the airline sales rep. Good news – I could change the dates for our tickets to Europe. Bad news – it was going to cost money. Wow – $300 fee for each ticket. Over $500 for two simple transactions. Stupid mistake on my part. There was a red flag when I had bought the tickets a year ago. I ignored it. Now I was paying the price.

It is easy to ignore red flags

I have noticed many red flags over the course of my life. Some I paid attention to. Others I don’t. It is easy to ignore red flags. Rather than pause and make adjustments, I stay on the same path. Head down, keep grinding. In some red flag situations staying the course works well. In others, it leads to problems that could have been avoided.

Why I wrote this billboard

I hate making bad decisions. You should too. When I look back at my biggest mistakes from the past few decades I notice that there were clear red flag warnings along the way. I wrote this billboard to remind myself to pay attention to red flags. Don’t ignore them. In this post, I will describe three types of red flags that should give you pause before moving forward.

I will focus on only three red flags – there are many others.

Always respond to real red flags

The first type of red flag is the most obvious – an actual red flag. The best example is at the beach. Lifeguards put out red flags when it is not safe to go into the water. You may recall that one year a hurricane hit the Outer Banks while we were on vacation there. Lifeguards placed red flags all along the beach. Stupidly, we chose to spend time on the beach before leaving. The beach was empty except for our family. Eventually, someone told us to evacuate immediately. We left in time, but I put our family in danger for no good reason. Don’t do that. When you see a real red flag, do the right thing.

Some red flags are obvious, others are not.

Watch for romantic relationship red flags

The second type of red flag is harder to spot. When you are in a romantic relationship watch for red flags. It might be something that is obvious – she smokes or drinks way too much. Or the red flag can be more subtle like she is insecure and always anxious. When it comes to romantic relationships you may need to ask some hard questions when you notice a red flag. Otherwise, you risk dating someone who is a hot mess. You don’t need anyone that much. If you are clueless about this topic watch the video below. It is helpful and funny.

Never ignore financial red flags

The third type of red flag is usually obvious because it involves money. I recommend always being careful when it comes to your finances. If a deal is too good to be true – it probably is. Clear red flag. The more money you spend on something the more you should look for red flags. I have walked away from more than one deal because I saw one. Unfortunately, there are several times when I ignored a financial red flag and it cost me.

I used to believe in forever, but forever’s too good to be true

A.A. Milne

How I incorporated this billboard into my life

Nowadays I pay more attention to red flags. For example – a tornado hit the area I live in last week. I received a warning on my phone and responded accordingly. I went into the bathroom and sat in the bathtub while it passed through. I called my parents to make sure they took precautions as well. I do a better job of watching for romantic relationship red flags. It has helped make my current relationship better than the last one. Lastly, I monitor my finances for irregularities. I receive alerts if anything out of the norm happens and I check all my accounts on a regular basis.

It is easy to check your credit score online.

What about you?

Are you watching for red flags in your life? Or are you just plugging along hoping for the best? I recommend that you keep an eye out for red flags. When you see one think about your best path forward. Red flags can keep you safe. They can help you find a suitable partner. Red flags can help you avoid financial missteps.

U2’s Song Red Flag Day live video

Don’t ignore the red flags. You will regret it. They are there for a reason.


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