BB2ME #32 – How to climb with help from your friends

06 Feb

The water came crashing down all around us. I peered up the falls. We needed to climb all the way to the top. I could not even see that far. Suddenly my mind filled with doubt. Was climbing the Dunn River Falls in Jamaica a good idea? It seemed like it when Kim and I signed up for this excursion during our Christmas vacation to Jamaica in 2018. I could tell Kim was wondering the same thing. We both shrugged our shoulders and started to climb. It was going to be an awesome adventure.

Kim and I in Jamaica.

The falls are somewhat difficult to climb

The Dunn’s River Falls is a famous waterfall near Ocho Rios, Jamaica and a major Caribbean tourist attraction that receives thousands of visitors each year. Simply put, the falls are beautiful. When Kim and I saw pictures of the falls we wanted to go. Like many visitors, we did not know what to expect. The reality is that you start at the bottom and climb your way to the top. It is about a 200-foot climb. Our guide took us up the falls slowly and made sure our group of 20 tourists linked arms to stay safe as we ascended.

Why I wrote this billboard

I wrote this billboard because I was truly surprised by others who climbed the falls and made it. About halfway up we came across what I will kindly describe as a rather rotund woman. Ok. No BS. She was big…really big. I was shocked to see that she was climbing the falls. How in the world is she going to make it to the top? The reality is that she did. Here is what I learned from watching this brave woman climb the falls.

Tourists climbing the Dunn River falls in Jamaica.

Don’t be afraid to climb

First and foremost I give this woman credit for having the guts to climb the falls. It was clear that she was not afraid. She easily could have watched from the sidelines while others made the trek to the top. It is puzzling how much fear can hold us back in life. Not her, she got after it. I was both impressed and inspired by her courage. I bet others were as well. After all, I thought, if she can make it to the top, then so can I.

In order to climb up I must first climb out of my fear of climbing.

Craig D Lounsbrough

Climb slowly – one step at a time

One thing I noticed is that she took her time. No need to rush. She moved slowly, one step at a time. She took plenty of breaks along the way. It made me wonder. How often do I fail at something because I am in too much of a rush? The irony was that all of us should have moved slowly and enjoyed the surroundings. The Dunn River falls are like nothing else I have witnessed in the world. It is a truly amazing place.

This video shows what it is like to climb the falls.

Get your friends to help you climb

I am not going to lie. She needed a fair amount of help from her friends. Some parts of the falls are steep, slippery, or tough to navigate. No problem for her. She simply would turn to her friends and ask for help. Of course, they did everything they could to make sure she could keep climbing. That is what good friends do. They help you climb to new heights.

Friends helping each other reach new heights.

How I incorporated this billboard into my life

After witnessing this woman climb the falls successfully I thought about what fears are holding me back. I pondered my pace as I live my life. The reality is that I move way too fast at times. I decided to become more intentional and go at a slower pace. Lastly, I rely more on my friends for help. They are critical to my success or failure. After all, they want to help, just like I want to help them. It is what friends do for each other.

Oh, I get by with a little help from my friends, Mm, I get high with a little help from my friends, Mm, gonna try with a little help from my friends.

The Beatles

What about you?

Are you able to climb the falls? Is fear holding you back, or are you getting after it? Are you moving at the proper pace, or are you rushing through life? Do you ask your friends for help? You should. And offer assistance to them when asked. It will make a huge difference in your life.

Anyone can climb the falls. You just need to try and have a few friends to help in the tough places.


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