Be grateful this Thanksgiving day – we are blessed

23 Nov

2018 has been a much different year than expected. Many changes, ups and downs, and several surprises. Some welcome, others were hard to handle. Losing loved ones is never easy. It is Thanksgiving weekend. Each year our country devotes a day thanking God for our many blessings. In our case, the list remains long despite everything that happened this year. We have many reasons to be grateful. God has been good to us. It may be harder to recognize this year, but you are still blessed. Here are three reasons. to be grateful this Thanksgiving day.

You are loved

It should go without saying that God loves you. But, I will remind you just in case you ever forget. God loves you and he demonstrated his love for you through the birth, death, and resurrection of his one and only son Jesus Christ. It is there for you now and forever. Never forget God’s love. It is the one thing that will get you through tough times. Both of your parents love you very much. We may not love each other anymore, but we both love you. I hope that you feel that love on a regular basis. Your families love you. All of your great-grandparents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins and other family members love both you boys. I hope and pray that you feel that love. Be grateful for that love. Not everyone is blessed in this way.

An old picture of you boys with Pap Gower. He and your grandmother are missed.
An old picture of you boys with Pap Gower. He and your grandmother are missed.

You are talented

Both of you are blessed with talents. I am really glad to see both of you leverage your talents on a regular basis. Continue to develop your talents and abilities as you grow older. They will serve you well and will help make our world a better place. I truly believe that both of you can make a large positive impact in the world. God has gifted you in a special way.  He gives gifts to all of us but not everyone chooses to use them. Make the most of what you have been given. It is easy to become lazy and let your talents diminish over time. Many people do. Don’t squander your talent. The world needs your best.

Gavin and Riley at the Eagle's Nest - up in the clouds.
Gavin and Riley at the Eagle’s Nest in Southern Bavaria.

You are Americans

America is a great country. Sure – we have our problems. It seems like the list of challenges our country faces these days is long. But I think that is true for every country in the world. Both of you have traveled outside the US and know full well that America is a unique country. As Americans, we experience a Western lifestyle that is the envy of many. Our citizens have rights that other countries dream about. None of us get to choose where we are born. The reality is that you were born as Americans. It is a privilege to be an American. Be grateful that you are an American. We are still the greatest country in the entire world – no matter who is in charge of leading it. Don’t let others convince you otherwise. They are wrong.

The American Flag at Nationals Park on Opening Day.
The American Flag at Nationals Park on Opening Day.

I am thankful for you

As your father, I think it is important to let both of you know that I am thankful for you. Every day when I pray, I thank God for each of you by name. Both of you bring me great joy on a regular basis. Sure – we have our struggles and don’t agree on everything. But, that is to be expected. It would be strange if we did not. Happy Thanksgiving.

8Listen, my son, to your father’s instruction
    and do not forsake your mother’s teaching.
They are a garland to grace your head
    and a chain to adorn your neck.

Proverbs 1:8-9


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