Five reasons I love traveling to Europe

26 Mar

Anyone who knows me well, knows that I love traveling to Europe. I consider it my playground. Today I am sharing the top five reasons I love traveling to Europe. Let’s kick things off with reason #1.

Reason #1 – My family is from Europe

Keating is an Irish name. Even though my grandfather was adopted, we still believe there are Irish roots in our Keating clan. My mom is German. She is a first-generation immigrant. One reason I enjoy traveling to Europe is to gain perspective regarding where my family came from. I am not saying that you need to go to Europe. No – go visit wherever your family is from. I think you will learn a lot about your family. I know that living and spending time in Germany helped me understand my mom’s family way better than if I never visited.

My mom and Oma in Germany many years ago.

Reason #2 – I lived in Europe for several years

I was stationed in Germany for almost four years when I was in the US Army and loved it. I was able to travel all over Europe while there. The fact that I lived there and spent two summers in Germany as an exchange student would make you think that I have seen plenty of Europe and want to explore other parts of the globe. If anything, spending all that time in Europe makes me want to see even more of it. I want to explore the lesser-known parts.

Living in Germany was an awesome experience. Photo of Iphofen gate.
Living in Iphofen, Germany was an awesome experience.

Reason #3 – So many sites to see in Europe

It is easy to see a ton of sites in Europe. A short drive can take you from one country to the next. Sites include cathedrals, castles, mountains, museums full of world-class art, and more. Every time I go there I am never bored. I’ll contrast that with America – my home country that I love dearly. Some parts of America are boring. You can drive four hours and basically be in the same place – a different location, but similar sites and sounds. Europe is not like that. It is diverse when it comes to sites. If you want to experience a lot of different cultures Europe is an excellent choice.

Riley with Mont St. Michel in the background.
Riley with Mont St. Michel in the background. Amazing place.

Reason #4 – The pace is slower across the pond

The pace in Europe is slower – it really is. It is a great place to go hang out, and just relax. American society is intense, especially in our major metropolitan hubs. You go across the pond to Europe and it is not uncommon to spend an entire afternoon hanging out in a beer garden, at a cafe, or in the town square chilling out. It is fun to drink some coffee or beer, and spend several hours people-watching. It is a slower pace, especially in the summer, which is exactly what I am looking to do on vacation. I want to get off the treadmill and chill the hell out.

I always travel with a Rick Steve's book in Europe.
Kim and I taking a coffee break in the Netherlands.

Reason #5 – The beer is better

Let’s cut to the chase – Europe is full of breweries. They have been brewing great beer there for centuries. I am a big fan of the American craft beer revolution over the past twenty-plus years. The reality is that the Europeans have been brewing great beer for a lot longer and they have better choices. I love drinking beer. If you do – go to Europe. Lots and lots of choices there.

German beer is the best in the world.

Three quick questions about traveling to Europe

  1. What is my favorite country to visit? Germany – I always enjoy my time there, and the beer is world-class.
  2. What is my favorite region to visit? Catalonia, Spain – I had an awesome time. Ate like a king. Barcelona and more.
  3. What is my favorite capital city to visit? Paris, France – the food alone makes it worth a trip. If you have never been to Paris you need to go. Nothing better than sitting at a french cafe, drinking coffee, people-watching in Paris.
Paris is a wonderful place to visit – love going there.

I am Doug Keating and this is my letter to sons.

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