Five reasons I love visiting Amsterdam in the Netherlands

31 Jul

It is summertime and that means vacations. A few years ago Kim and I took our first European vacation together in The Netherlands, starting in its beautiful capital city, Amsterdam. Today I am sharing five reasons I love visiting Amsterdam.

The #1 reason that I love visiting Amsterdam – Canals

Yes – Venice and other European cities have canals. But, none of them are like Amsterdam. Take a look at the city map. It is fan-shaped. The canals are designed in a very organized manner. If you want to get a feel for the difference between Northern and Southern Europe just look at the difference between how Amsterdam is organized and Venice. The canals are an excellent way to tour the city. Get in a boat and troll around for a few hours – you will get great pictures, and have a really good time.

Kim and I were on the canal tour.

Reason #2 – Sites

Amsterdam, as a city, is not actually that large. Less than a million people live there. Yet, it is packed full of wonderful sites to include the Anne Frank House, the Rijksmuseum, and the Van Gogh museum. There is a lot to see and do here even though the city itself is not that big.

The museums in Amsterdam are fantastic.

Reason #3 – bikes

You cannot talk about Amsterdam without commenting about how many freaking bicycles there are in this city. We’re talking ten of thousands – bikes are everywhere. They have huge parking garages for bikes in various locations. The city does not really have many roads. It is mostly canals and bike paths. If you like riding a bike, then this is your kind of town. Word of caution to those walking around the old part of the city. Keep your head on a swivel so that you don’t get run over by some pissed-off Dutch person who is going to be mad because it is your fault.

The bike garage near the main train station.

Reason #4 – Location

Amsterdam is a fabulous place to start your next European adventure. There are lots of flights to Amsterdam from America every single day. Whether you are going to do a grand tour of Europe or stay in the Netherlands, Amsterdam is a great place to start. Spend a few days there getting over the jet lag, and use the excellent train system to get to wherever you are going next. There are high-speed trains to London, Brussels, and Paris. Or use the efficient local trains to move around the Netherlands.

The train to Haarlem is only 30 minutes.

Reason #5 – The vibe

Amsterdam is just a cool place to hang out. You can experience some Dutch culture and see some things you would not normally see in your home town. A word of caution. Yes – prostitution is legal. Yes – smoking marijuana is legal. Just be smart if you go there, especially if you have your kids. You are going to want to visit the Red Light district, it is part of the historic city center. Go to this area during the day, not at night when the hookers and strippers are out. Use your nose to tell if you are going into a coffee shop or a cafe. A big difference between the two. At one people are smoking pot, at the other they are drinking coffee or tea. Don’t make a mistake and go to the wrong one.

Kim and I at an outdoor cafe.

Three quick questions about visiting Amsterdam

  1. What is my favorite place to visit in Amsterdam – canal tour. I recommend those dam boat guys.
  2. What is my favorite site in Amsterdam – Rijksmuseum. It was way better than I expected.
  3. What is my favorite pub in Amsterdam – Brouwerij ‘t IJ Brewery. Great location and tasty beer.
Visit this brewery when you are in Amsterdam.

I am Doug Keating and this is my letter to sons.

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